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Finances In College Are Made Easier With A Hometown Student e-Bundle From Fidelity Bank & Trust

Set Your Student Up For Financial Success

photo of Tiff WulkekuhlePublish Date May 7, 2019


Graduation season is upon us and soon your child will be packing up and heading off to college! Tiffany Wulfekuhle, Customer Service Representative, explains how a Hometown Student e-Bundle from Fidelity Bank & Trust can help you set your student up for financial success, even if they are many miles away!

“We understand that students are busy that first year of college,” says Tiffany. “Whether they’re studying, joining clubs or meeting new friends, they’re constantly on the go. Our Hometown Student e-Bundle combines our top services to keep students on top of their finances without slowing them down.”

To get the most out of our Hometown Student e-Bundle we encourage students and their parents to visit any of our locations to open a Hometown Checking Account,” says Tiffany. “There is no service charge or minimum balance associated with this account, plus, you’ll receive access to surcharge-free Privileged Status ATMs throughout the region.”

Additionally, the Hometown Student e-Bundle can help you get a better look at your overall finances, with access to our newly upgraded online and mobile banking app.

“Some of the new features on our online and mobile banking app include Touch ID login, for all supported devices, and a customizable dashboard, allowing you the ability to see certain accounts first,” says Tiffany. “Students can even attach receipts to their transactions on the app, making staying on top of their budget even easier.”

We understand students have bigger and better things to worry about than how they’ll deposit checks or check their account balance in college. We’re proud to provide our top services to students heading off for college through our Hometown Student e-Bundle.

If you have any questions about our Hometown e-Bundle, are ready to open an account, or want advice about planning for college expenses and budgets, contact us today!