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Keeping You and Your Finances Safe in a Digital World

Fidelity shares tips to keep you protected online.

Publish Date: October 1, 2021

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but prioritizing your online security should be done 365 days a year.  In today’s day and age, your data is just as valuable as the money itself.

Learn more as Fidelity shares practical tips to keep you and your finances safe in a digital world: 

Personal information like your favorite food, concerts, addresses, profession, and your education are all items typically used for online security questions.  Knowing this information makes it easier to steal someone’s identity or to target them with phishing attacks. 

You have no control over the security when you are using a public Wi-Fi connection.  When in doubt, wait for a secure Wi-Fi connection before providing valuable information such as bank account numbers, usernames, and passwords online.  Follow these same rules when logging into your Fidelity Bank & Trust online account or mobile app!

Passwords are one of the weakest links on the security chain.  Using a password manager software can help you manage your passwords and make them more unique and complex.  Also, set up Dual Factor Authentication wherever possible, which prompts you to take two steps to login as a safety and security precaution.

At Fidelity Bank & Trust, we work hard to protect our customer’s finances and personal information online through a variety of programs to limit the potential of cybersecurity fraud.  As a customer, you can enroll for ID Shield, an extra service that proactively monitors your identity and protection services.  You can also set up account alerts to notify you based on preferences you choose.  Fidelity protects your identity and finances further by mandating strong password requirements, session timeouts, and masked account numbers.  

We take your online security seriously, but there is always risk for fraud.  If you experience suspicious online activity, contact us right away!  Our eBanking Department will help guide you through changing username and passwords if necessary.  We will also keep a close eye on your transactions to make sure nothing is compromised.  Learn more about Fidelity Bank & Trust’s programs to keep you safe online.