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Know Your Needs; Why You Should Finance Your New Construction with Fidelity Bank & Trust

Fidelity Bank & Trust knows your pain and is here to make the construction loan process as smooth as possible. We are here for you every step of the way!

Publish Date September 20, 2018


Buying a house can be both a wonderful and stressful time in anyone’s life, but building your new home adds another level of concern. Fidelity Bank & Trust knows your pain and is here to make the construction loan process as smooth as possible. We are here for you every step of the way!

What to Expect from Our Lenders

photo of Lisa WittmanNot all banks give you the personal and individualized attention you need when taking out a loan for your new home build. Often times, applying for loans with large banks, you will speak with multiple different Loan Officers before you ever see anyone in person. Sometimes you never have a face-to-face conversation with anyone before your loan is dispersed. With Fidelity Bank & Trust, you can walk into any of our branches, no appointment required, and apply for your construction loan.

“Many of our lenders have experience with construction and they are there for you throughout the entire process,” says Lisa Wittman NMLS #136096, an experienced Fidelity Bank & Trust Loan Officer.  “We will help you feel confident in your decision throughout your build.”

The application process is similar across all banks. You provide your financial information, and that information is entered in the approval process. After your loan is confirmed, many banks cut you loose to buy your land and start the building process. Lisa assures that with Fidelity Bank & Trust, your Loan Officer will work with you every step of the process and help you with your inspections.

“Most banks make you hire an inspector yourself to take pictures and accompany you to your property,” says Lisa, “our Loan Officers inspect your property for free, and help guide you through the entire process.” This level of care and detail is not what all banks offer, but Fidelity Bank & Trust does.

Building a home should be an exciting milestone to celebrate, and choosing the right bank for your loan can make a huge difference. Fidelity Bank & Trust is proud to offer you options for your new construction loan. On our website, you can find your local Fidelity Loan Officer by visiting our mortgage center. Don’t delay your dreams! We make it easy for you build and buy the home you’ve always wanted with ease. Apply for your construction loan online today!