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Tips for Keeping You and Your Finances Safe Online

Fidelity Bank & Trust wants all our customers to be protected online, and to be prepared should their identity be compromised.

Did you know that more than 40% of Americans have either had their identity stolen, or are close with someone who has? Fidelity Bank & Trust wants all our customers to be protected online, and to be prepared should their identity be compromised. That’s why we developed a few tips to help keep you, and your money, safe online!

photo of Mike Hamel“Everyone should prioritize their online security,” says Mike Hamel, Technology and Security Advisor at Fidelity Bank & Trust. “Because, in today’s day and age your data is just as valuable as the money itself.”

Here are Fidelity’s best tips for keeping you and your finances safe online: 

  1. Keep Personal Information Minimal—Personal information like favorite food, concerts, addresses, profession, and your education are all items typically used for online security questions. Knowing this information makes it easier to steal someone’s identity or to target them with phishing attacks. 
  2. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure—Whenever you are using a public Wi-Fi connection, you have no direct control over its security. When in doubt, wait for a better time and a secure Wi-Fi connection before providing valuable information such as bank account numbers, usernames, and passwords via the internet. Follow these same rules when logging into your Fidelity Bank & Trust Online Banking account!  
  3. Choose Strong Passwords—Passwords are one of the weakest links on the security chain. Using a password manager software can help you manage your passwords and make them more unique and complex. Also, set up Dual Factor Authentication wherever possible, which prompts you to take two steps to login as a safety and security precaution.


Even when following these tips, there is still a potential risk to your online identity. “The most recent scams we’ve seen at Fidelity Bank & Trust are COVID-19 scams pretending to be fake health organizations, websites that sell fake products, fake government sources, and fake nonprofit donation requests. These scams and Disaster Relief Scams really seem to be hitting our area lately,” says Hamel.

At Fidelity Bank & Trust, we work hard to protect our customer's finances and personal information online through a variety of programs to limit the potential of cybersecurity fraud.


ID Shield is a program that we offer as an extra service that proactively monitors your identity and protection services,” explains Hamel. “This offers reimbursement coverages, resolution services, Triple Bureau Credit Reports and Scores, and the monitoring of very important items like your SSN, address, court records, payday loans, and more for potential fraud.”


“The overall security measures the Fidelity Bank & Trust team has implemented for online and mobile banking should also put customers at ease. We utilize multifactor authentication that compares IP address, device, and browser upon each login, a secure online banking channel and a secure mobile banking app with biometric logins, we perform regular updates to protect customers from current cyber threats, and we offer the ability for our customers to monitor and securely update their settings.”


Fidelity Bank & Trust customers can also setup alerts to notify you when sizable transactions occur, and we protect your identity and finances further by mandating strong password requirements, session timeouts and masked account numbers.

We take your online security very seriously at Fidelity Bank & Trust, but there is always some risk for fraud.


“If you experience some suspicious activity online, the very first thing to do is contact the Bank. Our eBanking Department will help guide you through changing your passwords and username, if necessary. We will also keep a close eye on your transactions to make sure nothing is compromised.”

Fidelity Bank & Trust is your Hometown Bank. We are a part of your community, and we always have your best interest at heart. Fidelity Bank & Trust has the security and tools of the big banks, but the friendly support staff of your Hometown Bank.


Click here to learn more about Fidelity Bank & Trust’s programs to keep you safe online!