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Ellie Berns

Ellie Berns Accepts New Role at Fidelity Bank & Trust

GUTTENBERG, IA (January 2022) – John Heying, Regional President, Fidelity Bank & Trust, recently announced Ellie Berns has a new role as Regional Customer Service Representative in the North Region. In her new role, Berns will oversee customer service in the Calmar, Guttenberg, Ossian, Postville and Prairie du Chien branches.

In 2019, Berns joined Fidelity Bank & Trust  as a Customer Service Representative, moved on to a traveling CSR and most recent, Regional Customer Service Representative. “Fidelity Bank and Trust is like a second family to me and I love the bond we have and how easily and willingly everyone helps each other out,” said Berns. 

“Ellie is ambitious, focused and detail oriented.  She is genuinely interested in getting things done quickly and accurately, and she will do a great job coordinating efforts among the CSRs in the North Region.,” added Heying.