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BaZing Benefits & Discounts with Hometown Hype Account.

Benefits from Roadside Assistance to Prescription Savings!

With our Hometown Hype Checking account powered by BaZing, you get access to thousands of discounts across the U.S., including right here in your hometown. Best of all, the savings don’t stop there. You’ll also receive cell phone protection, roadside assistance and identity theft aid. Plus, savings on prescription drugs, eye exams, hearing aids and more.

No matter who you are or what you do, saving money is for everyone. Especially when it’s easier than ever with a Hometown Hype Checking Account.

Check out the details below or visit www.BaZing.com.

Savings Network

Thousands of discounts in your hometown and across the U.S.

Cell Phone Protection

Coverage at no additional cost.

Roadside Assistance

Because life happens.. don't get stuck!

ID Theft Aid

Every two seconds someone falls victim to identity theft.

Health Savings Card

Discounts and preferred pricing for prescriptions, plus select health services.